My Child Speaks

My Child Speaks
and the dark angel gave the white angel a feather from his wing, the only thing to destroy him, could she use it............

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

POLL RESULTS 01/06/2011

For my own benefit I ran a Poll because I wanted to know what kind of effect the justice system has on victims of child abuse coming forward to report it to the Authorities in the year 2011. It was ran over 60 days. A big thank you to all of you who took part. The results do speak for themselves.

Question : If You Were A Victtim Of Child Abuse Did You Report It To The Authorities ?

1. Yes I Reported It                      15%

2. Yes But Did Not Report It         69%

3. Yes But No Further Action
     Was Taken                               15%

4. Yes But I Dropped The
     Charges                                       0%

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that of the 15% who reported it, 15% No further action was taken.
    Double the amount did not report.


Truly Touched